NETx Lab is a research centre for the study of project-based complex networks. It is led by Dr. Huda Almadhoob with the support from interested academics and external international collaborators. Its mission is to think networks – as networks are everywhere and the possibilities are endless. The centre focuses on generating research and providing training and insights into the management of projects and organisations. The centre, through consultancy and knowledge transfer partnerships, will also help organisations in designing organisational systems and structures to improve communications effectiveness and hence optimising cost. Given the ubiquitous applications of networks, the key added value of NETx Lab is predicated on introduction of new cross-disciplinary methodological and analytical techniques to the field of project management, such as paradigms of Social and Network Science and Organisational Network Analysis (ONA).
NETx Lab will serve as Bahrain focal point for scholarly activity and intellectual creativity in the field of project management. It will provide the necessary forum to facilitate the interaction between practitioners, researchers and sponsors; hence creating a variety of unique networking opportunities to meet and build business relationships. The objectives of NETx Lab are enshrined in Bahrain National Higher Education Strategy for 2030 and University of Bahrain’s (UoB) vision. These are summarised as follows:
Working in co-operation with academics from different education institutes and other stakeholders, including business and industry of project management, to develop Bahrain knowledge economy and contribute to its sustainable growth;
Promoting collaboration between researchers, project and organisational participants to perform quality research that is recognisable by international publications;
Catering Bahrain and GCC future education and business needs in producing highly skilled graduates in the field of project management, leveraging on innovation, technology and cross-partnerships;
Introducing best practices in the field of project management, leading to a demonstrable impact and improvement, especially in the construction and infrastructure industry;
Positioning NETx Lab as a leading centre in the Arab world, and GCC in specific, to study and analyse organisations and complex systems from a network perspective. This will be on the basis of research excellence, providing researchers with support and development opportunities to excel in their chosen areas of interest;
Facilitating disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration, knowledge transfer and training in both academia and in practice. This includes establishing partnerships with internal and external parties in the field of project management;
Contribute to the UoB strategic educational and research mission and to support synergies between research, teaching and learning.
Huda Almadhoob has a PhD from the Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management (CPM) at University College London. Prior to this, she received her MSc. degree in Project and Enterprise Management (with distinction) from CPM.
Hussain AlJurdabi is a credit & risk professional with over 12 years of diverse international experience in financial and banking sector.
Wafa AL-Ghatam studies the principles and constraints that govern the generation of built form and its social, cultural and economical functions.
Reem Sultan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Interior Design.
Mohamad is currently a PhD candidate at the Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management.
Almadhoob, H. and Sultan, R. (2020) Understanding Design Studios Collaboration Networks: A Social Network Analysis Research in Architecture and Interior Design Education. Presented at: Sunbelt XL conference – Annual research conference of the International Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
Almadhoob, H. (2020) At the Interface – When Social Network Analysis and Supply Chain Management Meet. In Pryke, S.: Successful Construction Supply Chain Management. John Wiley & Sons.
Learn MorePryke, S., Badi, S., Almadhoob, H., Soundararaj, B., & Addyman, S. (2018). Self-organizing networks in complex infrastructure projects. Project management journal, 49(2), 18-41
Learn MorePryke, SD; Almadhoob, H; Badi, S (2014) The Influence of Social Networks on Firm’s Success, Survival and Growth A Social Network Analysis investigation of SMEs in the Bahrain Construction Industry. In (Proceedings) INSNA- Florida.
Learn MoreHuda Almadhoob
Nov, 6th 2020
Author: Dr. Huda Almadhoob المملكة المتحدة – Crossrail أكبر مشروع للبنية التحتية في أوروبا ، وهو خط السكك الحديدية الجديد الذي يمتد عبر لندن والمقاطعات الرئيسية ،مع المحور المركزي لخط إليزابيث الذي يبلغ طوله 73 ميلاً (118 كيلومترًا). تمت تسمية هذا المشروع تيمناً باسم الملكة إليزابيث الثانية. كان من المقرر افتتاح هذا المشروع […]
Huda Almadhoob
Oct, 30th 2020
Author: Mohamad El Tannir “Mankind has always been in a battle with his environment” a statement echoed by Stafford Beer 40 years ago when he discussed emerging, now persisting challenges humankind is facing. Cities and their ghettos, widespread pollution, ever-growing social inequalities, and the list go on. Forty years later, no wonder the challenges […]
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